When I was a child I remember being so excited for December to start partly because it was nearly christmas and for the simple reason that I got to eat a little piece of chocolate every morning. Now if you are sitting here thinking I am not sure I was my child eating chocolate every morning because they will be bouncing of the walls, or that you want to give them an advent calendar that is different than anyone they have had before then here are some ideas of different ones you could do!
1. 25 books- This year as Alice won't even be 1 we decided that we were going to do a book advent calendar. We got 10 books for £10 from the works so in total spent £25 altogether. This is a great idea as you could get christmas themed books and you and your child could go up to bed every night and unwrap a book and snuggle into bed.
2. Story of Jesus- Another advent you could use is a story of Jesus advent calendar. This advent tells the story of the day Jesus was born in little books that you and your little ones could read every night and they could learn all about the birth of baby Jesus.
3. Pound shop toys- This idea works really well if you have elf on the shelf in your home. You could purchase 24 toys from the pound shop, hide them around the house and leave trails and clues to find them.
4. 24 films- For the older children you could buy 24 christmas themed films for them to watch every nights. This idea is great because its not just for the children its fun for the whole family!
All these ideas are great to mix things up this christmas but I feel that each year the lead up to christmas is getting more expensive. Elf on the shelf leaving special presents, LOL dolls, Play Mobile and advent calendars all cost at least £20. It puts a strain on parents because they feel that because everyone else child will be getting an expensive calendar they feel they cannot deprive their child of one. I personally feel that a normal chocolate advent calendar is fine, when I was younger thats all there was, kids these days are spoilt for choice. However that is just my personal opinion, let me know what you think in the comments, are children's advent calendars too expensive? And what alternative advents are you doing? I would be interested to know! See you tomorrow for another post on 25 days of blogmas!
The Honest Mum
I love all these alternate methods especially the 24 film one!